When I first started shooting my emphasis was always on finding new places and things to photograph. More recently I am interested in capturing moments in time. Through my 365 projects from 2015 and 2016 I have started to appreciate the beauty in the everyday things I walk past and at the same time have developed the technical ability to capture moments and to get creative in both my choice of shutter speeds and my composition.
The ability to quickly adapt to new situations and to feel completely at one with your equipment is absolutely necessary when shooting weddings, which I thoroughly enjoy. The interaction with people and the opportunity to capture that once in a lifetime occasion and to preserve those memories forever is a real honour and has to be the best reason for getting of out bed in the morning!
I have been fortunate enough to travel to many fantastic places and meet lots of great people. As a result, my photography spans a range of genres, whether I'm shooting a wedding in a sleepy village in England, wildlife in Africa, racing cars at Goodwood or street photography in Tokyo. It is all great practice for being able to get the shot when the moment comes.
My work has been published various National newspapers in the UK and online.

Photo of me on my return from the wrong side of the world. Credit to Julie Stevens, my regular photographic partner in crime. You can check out her work at: