22nd October 2021

Decided to hit Photo of the Day for 2021. I enjoyed it so much in 2015 and 2016, but things kind of flaked out in a busy 2017. I seem to have never recovered, so here we are 5(!) years on having a fresh attempt.
I don't need to tell anyone who has done POTD that the quality might not be there everyday, which is partly why it's tucked away in an obscure corner of my website! I'm going to try not to worry about that.
Thank you for stopping by.

273/365 Dinner in Salisbury

272/365 Roses.

271/365 Decorating.

270/365 Glass bokeh.

269/365 Hare.

268/365 Fuschia.

267. Bonus

267/365 Hare.

266/365 Great white egret and heron.

265. Bonus

265/365 Goose.

264/365 Moon.

263/365 Chiffchaff.

262/365 Mandy.

261/365 Mottisfont.

260/365 Dahlia.

259/365 Deer.

258/365 Cow.

257/365 Hereford Cathedral.

256/365 Family get together.

255/365 Leaves.

254/365 Shroom in the forest.

253/365 Long tailed tit.

252/365 My first talk about Japan.

251/365 Breakfast fishing.

250/365 Sunflower.

249/365 Studious Pen.

248/365 Old Sarem Sow.

247/365 Sleeping Penny.

246/365 Road trip to be with family.

245/365 Washing basket bed.

244/365 Perching.

243/365 Happy cat.

242/365 Swan.

241/365 Take-off.

240/365 Concert with fireworks.

238. Bonus

238. Bonus

238/365 Kingfisher.

237. Bonus

237/365 Purple flowers.

236/365 Takeoff.

236. Bonus

236. Bonus

235/365 Cat.

234. Bonus

234. Bonus

POTD 234/365 Otter.

234. Bonus

234. Bonus

233/365 Happy Mario.

232/365 The mother of all experiments.

231/365 A different kind of imaging!

231. Bonus - collective noun for geese? a pile...

230/365 Lots I don't know about pigeon noses.

229/365 Playing with new glass :-)

228/365 Moon.

227. Bonus

227. Bonus

227/365 His Royal Geoffness.

226. Bonus

226. Bonus

226. Bonus

226/365 Deer leap.

225/365 Gladiolus.

224. Bonus

224/365 Thistle.

223/365 Barn Buzzard.

222/365 New haircut selfie.

221/365 Long Tailed Tit.

221. Bonus

221. Bonus

221. Bonus

220/365 Damselfly by the Test.

219/365 Grab shot in the most literal sense.

218/365 Geese.

217/365 Fluidics.

216/365 Mandy.

215/365 Staying in touch.

214/265 Sparrow.

213/365 Resting in a bush after present opening!

212/365 Pink flower.

211/365 Technicolour washing up.

210/365 Hare!

209/365 Demolition.

208/365 Osprey at Fishlake - very exciting!

207/365 My leopard doesn't seem too keen!

206. Bonus

206/365 Jumping Long Tailed Tit.

205/365 Peacock feathers.

204/365 Dipper!

203/365 Enchanted forest.

202/365 When will I grow into my feet?

201/365 Making bails.

200/365 The legend that was Marbles.

199/365 Purple flower.

198/365 Flower girls

197/365 when it's bed time and you have no photo

196/365 Dying flower, possibly orchid!

195/365 Yellow moth.

194/365 Moth.

193/365 Soldier beetle gladiators challenge!

192/365 Candy floss tree.

191/365 Female Stag Beetle.

190/365 Common red soldier beetle.

189/365 Canada.

188/365 Hoverfly Karoke!

187/365 Pepper.

186/365 Beans.

185/365 Garlic.

184/365 Purple flower.

183/365 Penny helping with photography.

182/365 Hobby at Fishlake Meadows.

181. Bonus Dunnock

181/365 Old lens.

180/365 Late night crow.

179/365 Ant on a Dahlia.

178/365 Bath fence.

177/365 Bath from up the hill.

176/365 The Master and the apprentice.

175/365 Battery Point Lighthouse.

174/365 Druidstone walk.

173/365 Jellyfish.

172/365 Beach artist.

171/365 Puffin adventure.

171. Bonus

170. Bonus

170/365 Dragonfly.

169. Bonus!

169/365 Soggy Poppy

168/365 Speckled bird.

167/365 Empty tree at sunset.

167/365 Summer's evening...

166/365 Penny resting.

164/365 Grey heron.

163/365 Harvard at Goodwood.

162/365 Purple Heron!

161/365 Purple flower.

160/365 Backlit buttercup.

159/365 Spider.

158/365 Beetle on an orchid... Macro still tricky!

157/365 The rather ridiculous fountain at Witley Court.

156/365 Macro photography is hard and I have some weird bugs (lupin aphid) in my lupins!

155/365 Cuckoo.

154. Bonus

154/365 Great White Egret emongst the iris.

153/365 Posting fluorescent samples.

152/365 Vole? I think this is a water vole, but very happy to be corrected!

151/365 Lyme Regis Harbour

150/365 Geoffery.

149/365 Macro Lupin.

148/365 Common Graffiti.

147/365 Blackbird.

147. Bonus - not sure what this creature is...

146/365 Chilly samples.

145/365 Macro Strawb.

144/365 Mountain Cornflower.

143/365 Soggy garden iris.

142/365 Wine tasting!

141/365 Macro ice cream - turns out it's not that exciting ;-p

140/365 Pineapple skin.

139/365 Blueberry in my porridge!

138/365 Soggy purple iris.

137/365 Roe deer trying to hide!

136/365 Acer in the rain

135/365 Greylag gosling

134/365 Incoming spitfire!

133/365 Bathtime for Bettina before her big day!

132/365 Eye of the tiger.

131/365 Hare at Dusk.

130/365 Cactus macro.

129. Bonus

129/365 Yellowhammer.

128/365 A soggy stop off in Durham on the way home.

127. Bonus face scratch.

127. Bonus Mandarin

127. Bonus Osprey!

127/365 Madarin ducks.

127. Bonus sheeps.

126/365 Sand Martin.

126. Bonus razorbill!

126. Bonus Guillemots!

125/365 Sycamore Gap.

124/365 Roman town at Corbridge with new Corbridge in the background- amazing!

123/365 North sea swim. Refreshing!

122/365 Osprey. So pleased to find this magnificent beast.

122. Bonus - Morning singing

122. Bonus - Treecreeper

121/365 Big sheep little sheep.

120/365 Soggy Pidge.

119/365 Red legged partridge.

119. Bonus

118/365 Pheasant.

117. Bonus

117/365 Mono clock.

116/365 Riverdance.

115/365 Bluebell in the wood.

115. Bonus

114/365 Lovely day out at The Vyne with tiltshift Mario.

114. Bonus

113/365 Hare - so incredibly pleased to find this magnificent creature.

113. Bonus

112/365 More tiltshifting... Daffs this time.

111/365 Tilitshift quarry.

110/365 Graffiti and tilt shift.

109/365 Soggy web.

108/365 The trusty servant. First pub lunch for donkey's years, to celebrate Drew's birthday.

107/365 Tulips.

106/365 Flue maintainence and tilt shift!

105/365 Penny, in one of her duvet nests.

104/365 Light through leaves.

103/365 Magpie. For a long time I've been keen to get a good shot of a magpie, and the hunt continues.

102/365 Elephast ornaments. Not getting out much these days, so here are some wooden elephants!

101/365 Sunlight through storm clouds

100/365 Old post box. Found this on a stroll around Romsey

99/365 Lottie and Bettina getting a noise test, not seen Bettina for a while since, but she'll be back at Goodwood on Friday :-)

98/365 Blossom - again.

97/365 Frost.

96/365 Penny - another day at home writing with Penny...

95/365 Proposal writing. Didn't leave the house, so here is my notebook instead

94/365 Nine days later... Must try harder to find fresh subjects!

93/365 Marsh Marigold

92/365 Penny resting by the fire.

91/365 Fire Kaleidoscope. Threw some colourful things in the fire and then rotated/mirrored/blended the image.

90/365 Magnolia blossom.

89/365 Penny from finance. She's been busy costing fellowships recently!

89. Bonus

88/365 Connectors. Back in the lab again.

87/365 Canada. This is a place in the New Forest called Canada. I've laughed at the signs before, but never visited!

86/365 Another from the graveyard lichen series #niche.

85/365 Buds. Another day at home.

25/365 Soggy blossom. Was spending a lot of time at home so here is a soggy bloowom from my garden.

83/365 Canalside flora.

82/365 Sunset at Fishlake Meadows

81/365 Romsey Abbey at dusk.

80/365 Are thes helebores? I'm not sure about the middle and the shape of the flowers.

79/365 Gravestone lichen in Longstock.

78/365 Gorse bathed in the sunset warmth.

77/365 These two sharing a perch.

76/365 Sunset at Lepe beach.

75/365 La Parisienne - took a stroll around town in the evening, longing for dinners out and summers evenings!

74. Bonus

74/365 What you looking at?

73/365 Not your average commute!

72. Bonus

72/365 Sanitation and breath freshening station! #covidSecure

71/365 Duck watching the river.

70/365 The coolest guy in Romsey, out to collect supplies.

69/365 Pills.

68. Bonus

68/365 Daffodil in the morning light with dew bokeh.

67/365 Penny doing her best impression of an artic fox!

66/365 Blossom at sunset.

66. Bonus

66. Bonus

65/365 More loitering at the hospital...

64/365 Hospital car park at night.

63/365 Pigeon - this guy is often outside my window and I grab him as a banker, but despite the dodgy solar panel this was the day I failed to beat it!

62/365 Sharps bin

61/365 Sparrowhawk - was rather surprised to find this beast in the garden!

60/365 Lambs emerging in the fields :-)

59/365 Sparrow

58. Bonus #trainlineBokeh

58/365 Daffodil buds preparing for Spring - bring.it.on.

57/365 New hobby - whisky time?

57. Bonus

56/365 Mumuration - bigger one this time!

55/365 Headlight polishing - MOT coming up and had an advisory for my lamp lenses so got the old toothpaste out!

54/365 There was a lovely sky over Fishlake Meadows on my way back from snooping around the industrial estate.

54. Bonus

53/365 Some grimey pipes near at work.

52/365 Dead leaf in the woods

51/365 Graveyard stroller

50/365 Blood test

49/365 White duck

48/365 A game of cat and mouse

47/365 Working from home

46/365 Barbed - took a little stroll on my way back from the lab in N Badassley!

45/365 Beefy old shroom!

44/365 hunting Buzzard. Was great to see this magnificent beast swoopoing around.

43/365 Orchid - one of those days!

42/365 Swan - was nice to get up close with this muddy headed swan and some lovely light.

42. Bonus

41/365 Duck - there is a lovely tranquil bit of river I had not found before and really enjoyed exploring there.

40/365 Tree - found a new spot for a walk and enjoyed a little ramble in the woods!

39/365 Wilting leaf - there were some tiny little snowflakes in there, must get a macro lens and have a go!

38. Bonus

38/365 A beautiful walk at Hilliers, checking out the new snowdrops.

37/365 Sunshine after the rain - negotiating a muddy path is one thing, but this really was an impasse.

36/365 Graveyard walk in the morning mist.

35. Bonus

35/365 Went for a walk in some woods after dropping a parcel to ship to my collaborators. Bit muddy, but nice to be out.

34. Bonus

34. Bonus

34/365 Watching Gordon Buchanan's Cheetah Family and Me with Penny!

33/365 New devices. Pouring a batch of new devices for testing.

32/365 The Romsey Signal Box.

31/365 Rain on the cherry tree.

31. Bonus

30. Bonus

30/365 Had a nice walk up the canal and tried to get down low to try to get some shots against the sky.

29/365 Some really nice colours with the moody sky at sunset on the concrete of uni campus.

29. Bonus

28/365 Marsh Harrier. Well, I guess it's more a photo of a pylon, but I was very pleased to see the Marsh Harrier

27. Bonus

27/365 Attack mode. Discovered that Penny really likes chasing chocolate wrappers!

26/365 Does what it says on the tin. Spent the day in the Chemistry department moving stuff!

25. Bonus

25/365 Romsey Cemetery. Another place I pass every day, but on this cold frosty morning I took a moment to take a stroll in the peace. Beautiful morning light.

24/365 Warhorse in the snow. Only a little bit of snow in Romsey, but a lovely walk all the same and this very poignant statue felt even more emotive after the light sprinkling.

23. Bonus

23. Bonus

23/365 Wonderful walk around Pepperbox Hill. Beautiful weather, stunning scenery and some nice creatures along the way :-)

23. Bonus

23. Bonus!

22/365 Life Sciences building (B85).

21/365 Hyacinths. Mumma G kindly got me some hyacinths to brighten the place up in the gloominess of January :-)

20/365 Dog walk on the canal. Had to pop over to the postbox on a drizzly day.

20. Bonus! Love the vivid colours and detail on the door of The Forge in the wet. I will probably try to use this later in the year, but for now it is just a bonus!

19/365 Grey buildings on a grey day. The Maths and Murray buildings. The number of co-joined buildings on campus is quite astonishing.

19. Bonus! Thought I would try some of this split toning - would be interested to know what you think?!

18/365 St. Deny's Church, Chilworth. Can't believe I have used this banker in January - it is about a 14 second detour off my journey to work!

17/365 Penny. Another day at home and the first appearance this year of my cat Penny... I'm sure there will be plenty more to come!

16/365 Friendly horse! Had a lovely but very muddy walk, around Michelmarsh. Towards the end of the walk we met this very friendly horse, who was very keen to come and say hello!

16. Bonus!

16. Bonus!

16. Bonus!

16. Bonus!

16. Bonus!

15/365 Narcissi. Classic working from home shot! Trouble with not leaving the house...

14/365 New Wafer. Spent far too long faffing about with these designs, but finally got them to play with :-)

13/365 Microfluidic setup. This is what I play with every day. It's fun but also rather frustrating!

12/365 Bike. The bike racks are not in high demand at the moment, due to limited staff access, no students and the fact that it's flipping cold!

11/365 Coil Spring. Woke to some broken suspension (and a broken boiler!). Basically none of the spring should be below the cup! Kindly towed by the RAC to Solent MOT Centre and it was back up and running in a couple of hours :-)

10/365 Fishlake. This will probably not be the last POTD to feature these dead trees. I was going to save them up for a rainy day, but I'm quite pleased with how this shot came out!

9/365 Leaf. Took a little stroll in the woods and happened upon this softly lit leaf with the light coming through behind it.

8/365 Robin. Nipped out for a bit in the middle of a long day in the lab to grab a quick pic before it got too dark. Really been a lot of fun having the 150-500, bring subjects to you :-)

7/365 Stonechat. Had a quick wander to the nature reserve and spotted this little stonechat in the fading light.

6/365 Kingfisher. I was very fortunate to receive a tip off about a local Kingfisher, so I used my daily exercise to take a stroll by the river and was amazed to get such a good sighting of this magnificent creature!

5/365 Filter cube reflection. Spotted this reflection while changing the filter cubes in the microscope

4/365 Plasma! Always enjoy generating plasma to bond my devices at work! The difficulty is trying to come up with imaginative descriptions for that colour to go in the log book!

3/365 Festive Long Tailed Tit. Spotted some long tailed tit in the garden. It was pretty late and the light was fading fast but managed to grab this shot with some Christmas lights behind!

2/365 For some reason this broken wine glass just one day into the New Year felt poignant in some way!

1/365 Went for a wonderful New Years Day walk and was greeted by a wonderful Haw Frost